Saturday, September 17, 2011

Toooooooo long!!!

Oh dear.

How long has it been? Way too long! Why haven't we been posting?

Well, we had a really hectic summer, because we were moving and such. And then school started up again at MVAD, and we have loooooooads of homework.

But hey! We're back!

Although since we haven't posted since JANUARY, all of you lovely followers probably left us. *sigh* I understand.

So, what's been happening with us? Oh, not much besides homework and school and still more homework. Argh! But it WAS great to see Cecily, Lily, and Rema again. Josefie and I share a dorm while Lizzie and Felicity share the one next to us. Our rooms are connected by a hallway. Cecily and Lily also share a dorm across the hall from us, but Rema's on a different floor than us. At least our closest friends are close to us, though. Rema... well, she can still have her moments (usually when Josefie isn't around).

Hopefully, more posts will be coming soon. With pictures!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Christmas Party

Hey everyone!

Okay, if you read Mama's blog, you know why we haven't been posting.

Anyway, the Christmas party! The one that happened ALL THE WAY back in 2010!!! You don't remember? Keep trying, it's somewhere in the back of your mind. ;)

Okay, so we all got up early and started getting what decorations we could do up before classes started. We spent our free time after school continuing decorating, and Rema even came over to help! She is actually really nice. She and Lizzy are getting pretty close, but Felicy still isn't sure about her, but I think she's nice. Josefie, of course, is behind her all the way.

Anyway, TONS of people showed up. Josefie made delicious pastries, and Lizzy made drinks. Everyone was laughing and had a good time.

Rema wore a REALLY pretty dress to the party, and Felicy even got in a deep conversation about the hemline (designers!). Turns out, she and Rema have a lot in common! Eventually, all five of us were talking. About...everything. We agree on a lot, and we were laughing and enjoying ourselves just like everyone else.

Let's just hope everything stays this way. :)


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Sorry no posting...

I'm sure all of you read our mom's blog, so you know about the whole mud thing. It really stinks.

Which is why we haven't really had the time to post about the Christmas party, although it went well. I don't have enough time to post about it now, but I will post about it soon. I promise. As soon as Mama gets home, whenever that may be.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Josefie's First Week, Part 2

Hey everyone!

Sorry we never finished our story, we just never had the time!

Anyways, here's what happened on Wednsday:

I walking with Josefie and Cecily from Science, the three of us chatting happily. Lizzy and Felicity (who now likes to be called Felicy) joined us at the end of the hall with Lily trailing behind them. Lizzy and Lily were deep in conversation about what determines a flower petal's cover, with Felicy listening and occasionally making a comment.

Suddenly, Lily fell silent and put her head down. I looked to see what she had caused her silence. And there she was. Rema.

She was looing at her reflection in a mirror placed in her locker. I tapped Josefie on the shoulder.

"Josefie," I said, preparing to launch into the story. "That's-"

Josefie gasped before I could finished. "Rema!"

Rema looked up from the mirror, her eyes searching the hall until they fell on us. A look of surprise and...delight? Rema was delighted to see us!


Confusion swept through me.

" know her?" I asked Josefie, feeling dizzy.

"Of course! She was one of my amigas back at American Girl. Then she got shipped away," Josefie answered excitedly. She ran foreward and embraced Rema. "I can't believe it's really you!"

"Me niether!" Rema replied. I'd never seen her so happy in my life. "When..." she trailed off when she saw us. "You're with them?"

"Si. They-" Josefie gestured to Lizzy, Felicy, and me. "They're my new sisters!"

"No. Way." Rema said. "You're friends with them?!"

"Si. They're great sisters!" Josefie exclamed, still yelling with excitement.

"Well," Rema said, a bit of humor entering her voice. "I guess that means I'll have to start being nice to you guys."

Oh my gosh. Rema was joking around. Like she was our friend! I couldn't believe it. She gets around a good friend and bam! She turns nice.

Josefie laughed. "What do you mean?" she asked Rema.

Rema didn't take her eyes off of us. "Well, we got off to a bit of a...rough start. I missed you so much, Josefie! I...I wasn't very nice to anyone. I turned into a...well, I turned into a bully." She turned to Josefie. "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean to. I didn't really realize it until Amythest confronted me." Rema turned back to us. "I'm sorry. For being mean and all. And you can bet I'll be at your Chirstmas party. If you want, I could help get it ready.

I was so surprised that I couldn't answer for a moment. Finally, I managed to say, "No, that's not nessesary. You're a guest. Thank you very much for the offer, though."

Rema smiled at me. "Okay. I hope this means we can be friends."

I smiled back. "I"ll have to get back to you on that."

Rema laughed. A good, nice laugh. Not laughing at me, laughing with me.

And I realized that, under all of the sadness of being torn away from her best friend, there was a nice person. Well, there was now that she and Josefie were back together again.

All I can say is, I can't wait until the Christmas party next week.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Josefie's First Week

Hey everyone! So sorry we didn't post this during the week, but we were so busy. Anyways, some surprising stuff happened during the week! Josefie and I (Amythest) will take turns posting about it. And any words Josefie use that are in Spanish, I've asked her to ask me what they are in English and write that instead of the Spanish word. So, here goes!

I'm starting.

Well, when we first got to MVAD on Sunday night, we took Josefie to the front office to get her schedule and supplies. We showed her where all of her classrooms are. She has at least one class with each of us, which is good. Finally, we went and spoke to the director of out play, Mr. Yorkson. He asked what Josefie could do. I exchanged a glance with Elizabeth, because this was something we hadn't discussed. Josefie stepped foreward.

"I like to sing," she said. We all stared at her. She hadn't told us this.

"Alright, then," Mr. Yorkson said. "Let's hear a voice!"

Josefie blushed, embarrassed. "What do you want me to sing?"

Mr. Yorkson thought for a minute before turning and disappearing into his office. He came back with a music book in his hands, open to a page that said, "Maybe, from the musical Annie". Josefie's eyes lit up.

"I know that song!" she said excitedly.

"Sing it for me," Mr. Yorkson said.

Josefie hesitated before taking the music book. She studied the words for a moment before she began to sing.

I hadn't heard the song before, but the way she sang it made me feel like I'd heard it a thousand times before. She was the most beautiful singer I'd ever heard, flowing through the notes perfectly. I could hear every note, every syllable, every letter the song contained. I hung on to the last word, and when she finished I felt dizzy. I didn't want the song to end.

Mr. Yorkson looked unmoved. "Yes, you've got a very nice voice there," he said briskly. "I can certainly let you be in the show. However, you will have to be a backround voice. I wish I could give you a better singing part, but it would be tragic to make someone else move aside, no? Although, no doubt, you certainly would be fenomonal at any of the singing roles. You all are." He winked at us and disappeared back into his office.

"He's a funny man, no?" Josefie asked, and we all laughed. We talked the rest of the way to the dorm.

Funnier things have been happening...TO BE CONTINUED


Sunday, November 28, 2010

About Josefie

Hey everyone! Thistle here, as usual. But I've asked Josefie to post on here for the first time and tell us about herself, and she was extatic!

"I would be honrodo (translation: honored) to post on your website! You are all so simpatica (translation: nice)!" she said excitedly.

So, let's take away the curtain. Here is......JOSEFINA!!!

Hola! I'm Josefina, but you can call me Josefie. My color favorito (translation by Amythest: favorite color) is anaranjado (translation by Amythest: orange). I love to go outside! I animals have an especial (translation by Amythest: special) place in my heart. My ojos (translation by Amythest: eyes) are color cafe (translation by Amythest: brown). I have long, negro (translation by Amythest: black) hair. I play the violin and I love cantar (translation by Amythest: to sing). I hope to be posting again soon!

Hey there! Thistle again. Don't you just love Josefie's accent? I mean, you can't really hear it if you're ust reading text, but you can kinda tell by the way she uses spanish words and all...My favorite word in Spanish is anaranjado. It just sounds so cool!

Anyways, that's really all I can do for now. Later, we're putting together an interview for Josefie and I'll be posting that soon!

~Thistle <3

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A special guest!

Mama woke us up and told us to all get dressed, because there was a very special guest coming and we wanted to look nice.

We all rushed around, speaking as we got ready about who the special guest could be. Lizzy proposed that it could be one of our teachers, coming to talk about our report card grades. Felicity thought that it might be an old friend. I wasn't sure of either of those.

Finally, when we were all dressed and ready, we waited by the door. I was so nervous, and I could see that my sisters were, as well. Mama was smiling.

Finally, the door opened. There was a rustling, and a sweet voice called, "Hola...?"

Was it a Spanish teacher at our school? None of us took Spanish as a class yet...

I strained to see the visitor, who was blocked from my view by a column in the living room. Finally, the person walked around the column, and I was staring right into the face of...

Josefina Montoya! I didn't know what was going on for a moment.

Then it hit me. Josefina Montoya was my new sister.

Oh. My. Gosh. My sister! She was here! She certainly was a special guest!!

Mama told us to get acquainted while she went downstairs and made snacks. I was so excited that I pulled Josefina into a hug. I could tell she was startled, but then she seemed happy that I wasn't being awkward, and soon Lizzy had joined the hug. Felicity didn't join, but she's not the hugging type with strangers.

Soon, we were all seated on the floor talking about who we were, our backstories, basically everything. Josefina (who told us to call her Josefie) pulled out her most prized posessions: a beautiful pendant that Lizzy helped her put on, her hankerchief, and a coin that she says she worked very hard to earn.

I can tell she's going to be a great sister. I'll blog more about it tomorrow, but it's getting late and my sisters are calling me. But first, did I mention that Josefie has a very thick Spanish accent and uses Spanish words when she speaks English? She speaks Spanglish, really. Like she says, "I am muy feliz about being your hermana (translation: sister)!" I do speak some Spanish, which comes in handy...

Anyways, I'm getting off now. Bye!

Note from Lizzy: Josefie? She's going to be great! I can't wait to get to know her better and be her sister!

Note from Felicity: She's nice. Really nice. That's all I could have really hoped for. :)