Friday, November 26, 2010

Is it really going to happen? A post by Felicity

Hey there! This is Felicity. First time posting on's really cool. But Thistle had to show me how to do it. I'm not really good with technology, I"m much better at designing clothes. And I love to dance. So I've kind-of been avoiding posting on here, but Amythest asked me to post about this since I've got more experience.

Well, a new doll. It's really exciting for my sisters. Lizzy has only seen it happen once, but Thistle's the newest doll and can hardly contain her excitement. It's really the only thing she can think about.

For me? For me, getting a new doll, I guess. The first time, when we got Lizzy, I was so excited to have a sister. Then Thistle came along and it was amazing, but it's just old news to me.

To tell the truth, I'm a little worried. I got lucky with Lizzy and Thistle. They're as nice and innocent as nice and innocent get. But what if this new doll...what if she's not? I can only hope she is. I'm the tough one around here, I protect my sisters. I don't want to have to protect them against their own sister.

I guess I shouldn't worry. I can't see why a doll from American Girl would be so mean.

But then I think of Milly. And Rema. They were so mean. I know Rema's coming to the holiday party and all, maybe she'll change, but Milly never did. She was mean-hearted all the way through. And Lizzy and I really tried to be nice to her. But she wouldn't have it. We baked her a cupcake, but she threw it in Lizzy's face and it got all over her clothes. We got her a teddy bear for her birthday, but she took out her sissors and snipped away at it until it was only some scraps of stuffing. She handed us a little bead that used to be the eye of the little bear and gave us a little smile.

"Thanks," I remember her saying. "But teddy bears aren't my type."

You don't take a present and make it into little scraps of fabric. Lizzy cried all the way home.

Lizzy went through a lot of change when Thistle came. Lizzy used to be small and helpless, but she stepped up to protect our new little sister when she came along. Will Thistle change, too? Maybe, maybe not. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Well, that's how I feel about getting a new doll. Maybe I'll come and post on here more often, it's kinda fun. ;)

~Felicity :)

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Hi there!

I'd love it if you commented! They make my day! Thanks!
<3 ~-Thistle-~ <3

Be nice! Please no anonymous commenting! No bad words!
Love, Lizzy

Umm...just comment. You know you want to.
~Felicy :)